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Columns disappear in Client

Started by mpanter, July 27, 2015, 04:29:05 PM

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Hello all,
I am using the Linux x64 Management-Console on the NetXMS 2.0 M5 system. Thanks to the Video-Tutorials I brought the system up in short time. Many thanks for that  :)

I struggled over a situation where in the Object Details / Interfaces suddenly the Columns
Admin State
Oper State
and Status
were gone.

Is it possible reset the grid somehow? At the moment I delete the .nxmc Folder to reset the client. Then the cols come back.
So it seems to be a setting on the client-side. This happened twice to me now. So maybe there is somthing I made wrong???

Any ideas or help would be great.



No idea why your columns disappear, but try resetting the perspective (video 3.1) in the client rather then deleting the whole client.

Let us know if that helped, or if the client delete / re-download is the only way to get them back.


thanks for the quick response.

It just happened again. But resetting the Workspace did not help.

The client shows up correct again just by removing the folder ~/.nxmc/ and starting it again.
So I compared the settings-files in the good ~/.nxmc/data/ folder and the bad, and found the problem:

In the file ~/.nxmc/data/.metadata/.plugins/org.netxms.ui.eclipse.objectview/dialog_settings.xml following entries were set to 0:

<item value="0" key="InterfaceTable.V2.18.width"/>
<item value="0" key="InterfaceTable.V2.16.width"/>
<item value="0" key="InterfaceTable.V2.15.width"/>
<item value="0" key="NodeTable.6.width"/>

After I was setting a value greater 0 the columns appeared again.

So I suppose that depending on what node I am watching by the time closing the client, these values are written in the settings file.
