IF-MIB::ifTable template

Started by wilfre, October 03, 2013, 10:27:08 AM

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Does anyone have a tip to make such a template that scans IF-MIB::ifTable and then creates data units according to filter rule for interfaces discovered there?

Can't assume there is any documentation on NetXMS at all on data unit creation except 'click create, give name, click OK'.

Victor Kirhenshtein


You can use instance discovery for that. For example, to monitor input bytes on all interfaces, create DCI (either directly on node or in template) with SNMP OID set to


and on "Instance Discovery" page choose SNMP Walk - Values as discovery method and enter . as SNMP OID.

Best regards,


When I'm creating a table in template there's no instance discovery tab. When I create just an item in template all tabs including General are empty: http://i.imgur.com/cuK7dfC.png

Then I get 'Session timed out'. I also get 'Argument cannot be null' sometimes.

I can only begin configuring the item after relogin to web-interface.


I also get 'Cannot open data collection configuration for OSPF: Component locked (locked by [email protected])
Component locked (locked by [email protected])' after relogin. So 1.2.9 + web is unusable ATM. Or a hint in configuration documentation is missing.


Quote from: Victor Kirhenshtein on October 04, 2013, 12:01:00 AM

You can use instance discovery for that. For example, to monitor input bytes on all interfaces, create DCI (either directly on node or in template) with SNMP OID set to


and on "Instance Discovery" page choose SNMP Walk - Values as discovery method and enter . as SNMP OID.

Best regards,

And now, after I've created some custom discovery item, I'm curious of the complexity the method you described proposes. What are 'table' DCIs for? Isn't it more clear to point a DCI to, for example . (ifTable) or .1 (ifEntry, though less intuitive as former) and then assign only sub-indexes (.2, .8, .10, .16) also selected through MIB-browser (not typed in manually as it is done now in discovery tab) and that are selected to be retreived and monitored? This also should automatically fill-in threshold providers and event sources. Right now it's overroutined as for me.