Silent Windows agent install 3.9.235

Started by Dawid Kellerman, September 23, 2021, 04:59:51 PM

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Dawid Kellerman

I am adding this in the hopes that it  would save someone time.  Another older post from Alex put me on the right track.

We are installing the windows agent with opsi a software deployment package, so a silent unattended install. The following two options are available in the manual install and not selected by default. We wanted them on and  could not see a way to select it with the silent options.

[ ]Install session agent (will run in every user session)
To see who is logged in and take a screen shot.

[ ]Install user support application (will run in every user session)
To send a application support message.

Part of our silent string:
files1\nxagent-3.9.235-x64.exe" /sp- /silent /norestart /nocancel /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /LOG "$LogDir$\$ProductId$.install_log.txt" / /TUNNEL /LOGFILE=C:\NetXMS\log\nxagentd.log /SUBAGENT=FILEMGR

The following black registry were needed especially the second dword one if that is not in no sending messages.

NetXMSSessionAgent    REG_SZ    C:\NetXMS\bin\nxsagent.exe -c C:\NetXMS\etc\nxagentd.conf -H
NetXMSUserAgent    REG_SZ    C:\NetXMS\\bin\\nxuseragent.exe

This part was setup by the silent install.

InstallPath    REG_SZ    C:\\NetXMS
ConfigFile    REG_SZ    C:\NetXMS\etc\nxagentd.conf
ConfigIncludeDir    REG_SZ    C:\NetXMS\etc\nxagentd.conf.d
ReloadFlag    REG_DWORD    0x00000001(1)

WithUserAgent REG_DWORD 0x00000001 (1)

Regards Dawid

Victor Kirhenshtein


few notes here. First, you don't need both session agent and user agent - use agent has all the functionality of session agent.
And you can select "Install user support application" in unattended installer by adding to installer command line option


Best regards,

Dawid Kellerman

Thank you Victor!

So I will be removing all the mess I made  :-[
Then do it with the /MERGETASKS I misses while skimming thru while being in a rush..

Act in haste repent at leisure..

Thanks Again!


P.S. The /MERGETASKS="useragent"  Worked like a charm.  Thank you!