Broken icons after opening

Started by syntetix, November 17, 2015, 09:39:18 AM

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Hello everyone!

We have got a very strange issue.  When I open a network map I see icons on map which are showed as broken images. After refreshing the map the whole picture is showed correctly. Could you kindly give me an advice about how to try to solve this issue?

p.s. The NetXMS server is working as virtual machine under ESXi 5.5 on CentOS 6.5 x64. Tomcat version is 6 and java version is "1.6.0_36".

Thanks a lot in advance.

Victor Kirhenshtein


it's a known bug in image library. It is in the queue and will be fixed eventually.

Best regards,



Thanks a lot for fast answer. I'm looking forward.

Best regards.