Suspect that my deactivation event doesn't register in event log

Started by JhnPrfct, November 06, 2015, 06:04:15 PM

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I am trying to make a custom event and custom event processing policy to generate alarm for Percentage of disk usage, but I cannot make the alarms auto-terminate when the disk usage goes under the threshold.

When I keep the default SYS_THRESHOLD_REARMED in data collection configuration -> threshold -> Deactivation event I can see it in the event log so I suspect my custom event.

Is there any way I investigate this further? 

Victor Kirhenshtein


what alarm keys you are using for alarm creation and termination?

Best regards,



I use the same key to create the alarm as I do to terminate, I think this should be fine

I suspect that it might be working, one node raised an alarm... But I think the original one doesn't still (need to confirm when I'm at the office). I had modified the thresholds on both the node and the template multiple times, so I'm not sure if it was some kind of hickup somewhere.

Victor Kirhenshtein


policy looks correct, maybe problem is with your thresholds. Can you share threshold configuration please?

Best regards,



I have re-created the situation now, see attachments, but basically,

I create a warning-evert and a normal-event
I create an event processing policy
I set the threshold on the node DCI
The warning threshold is triggerd, the event registers in the event log
The alarm appears
I set the threshold value to a higher than the actual value to trigger a normal-event
No event in event log
The alarm is still visible
But, the DCI is OK in Last values view


Victor Kirhenshtein

Yes, this is tricky part - you cannot test threshold by changing it. When you edit threshold internally it leads to deleting old one and adding new one - and new threshold do not have "activated" state, so no deactivation event. For testing thresholds you can use transformation script on DCI which you can change to return value above or below threshold.

Best regards,


Hi Victor,

I assume you are sure about this as lead developer and I will mark this as resolved. But, I'm sure that I just now adjusted a threshold to be over the last value and the alarm disappeared, I guess it's some other mechanic I see.

I'll use DCI transformation to adjust my values instead of the threshold :)
