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error loading database driver

Started by rawad, April 06, 2011, 04:58:24 PM

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Hello everyone,

I am new to netXms and having issues during the installation process. details as below:

-  OS: Window7 Ultimate.
- MSSQL: 2008
- .NET FMW : 4.0
- I am facing this issue after configuring database connectivity:

Database engine: Microsoft SQL Server
Database driver: mssql.ddr
Create new database: yes

Database server: localhost
Database name: netxms_db
Database user: netxms
Database administrator: *

Run IP autodiscovery: yes
Interval between discovery polls: 14400

Number of status pollers: 10
Interval between status polls: 60

Number of configuration pollers: 4
Interval between configuration polls: 3600
I am facing the error "error loading database driver" any idea about what i am facing here?"

Thank you very much, I wish you can treat this on urgent basis.


Victor Kirhenshtein


Did you select component called "Microsoft SQL DB-Library" during installation? Also, you can try to use ODBC driver instead of mssql.

Best regards,



Thank you, I tried to reinstall from scratch on a XP workstation and works fine, I guess netXms doesn't work on Windows7.

Thanks anyways for your reply.

Victor Kirhenshtein


NetXMS by itself is working on Windows 7 (I do most of development and testing on Windows 7), but mssql database driver uses very old and deprecated API called DB-library, which may be incompatible with modern Windows versions. It will be removed in 1.1.x branch. For connecting to MS SQL, it is now recommended to use ODBC.

Best regards,