Limit user access to a specific DCI?

Started by Dan, January 24, 2011, 04:17:53 PM

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Sorry if this has already been covered in the forum, but I was unable to find it.

Is there any way to limit the view for specific users, or groups, to a DCI or alarms?
I am thinking about the same way to limit the view of an object.

I have nodes with a lot of different DCI's and a lot of different users accessing the same server.
The service desk group should see all the alarms, which they do today.
But then I have a few other users that should only be able to see some of the alarms, for example if application A is down that will create a critical alarm, I would only want them to see that alarm.
If application B goes down on the same node, I don't want them to see that alarm.

It is possible to do it with another Netxms server instance and just forward the necessary alarms for those nodes to the "new" instance, but, it would be great if it was possible to do it in the same server. :)

Best regards,

Victor Kirhenshtein


The only way I could think of is to create dummy nodes (with IP address of for each DCI group, create DCIs on these nodes instead of main node, and set "proxy node" for DCIs to original node. Then you will be able to give access rights to individual dummy nodes, without giving any access to main node. This solution has some drawbacks - you either should create two DCIs - on main node and on dummy node, or you will not have common list of parameters on single node - only spread across multiple nodes.

Best regards,


Good morning!

Hm ok, not sure what the best way is, but there are some positive things that come out of having an extra instance that can be separated from the live environment.
I think that will be the way to go for me :)


Best regards,