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LDAP Sync Invalid Credentials

Started by jds, April 13, 2022, 05:49:23 PM

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Our server is spamming an alarm for Invalid Credentials on LDAP sync but I can't figure out what is wrong in my LDAP setup. It was previously working and I just recently noticed the alarms. I have made the user a domain admin, I have reset its password in the domain. I'm at a loss and any help would be appreciated.

LDAP.ConnectionString       ldap://{dc server}:389
LDAP.GroupClass               group
LDAP.GroupUniqueID         objectGUID
LDAP.SeachBase               {OU of users in domain}
LDAP.SearchFilter              (objectClass=*)
LDAP.SyncUser                 {distingushed name of user in domain}
LDAP.SyncUserPassword    {sync user password}
LDAP.UserClass                 user
LDAP.UserUniqueID           objectGUID

Filipp Sudanov

There was an issue that when users that were synchronized by ldap tried to login with wrong password, this error was put in the log. Looks like it was fixed today, so should be in next patch release