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2.1-RC1 Empty Graphs

Started by djdrastic, June 06, 2017, 01:48:08 PM

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Hi Victor and co !

Upgraded my installation to 2.1-RC1 from 2.1-M2 release.
I've noticed any graph whether it be a saved one or creating a Line Chart on some data results in a empty graph.This seems to happen on SNMP as well as Agent hosts.

Anything I should have a look at for debugging purposes to help fix this ?
I've checked out /var/log/netxms but can't really find anything so far.




Graphs at our end are working ok with RC1.

You probably checked that already, but just to confirm: You do have data for the selected time range?
There are no time problems on your server causing it to collect data with some future/past date or similar, i.e. the Last Values timestamps are current?


Victor Kirhenshtein


common cause also wrong time zone settings on client or server. For example:

on server you have EET time zone (GMT+2), and on client you set it to CET (which is GMT+1). If you set clock on both server and client to be visually equal, they will in fact differ:
8:00 on server will be 6:00 UTC (because EET is 2 hours ahead of GMT).
8:00 on client will be 7:00 UTC (because CET is 1 hour ahead of GMT).
As system internaly uses only UTC time, when your client will request last hour data it will request 6:00 UTC to 7:00 UTC, but because on server it's only 6:00 UTC, you won't get any data.

Best regards,