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Duplicate nodes

Started by jdl, June 19, 2009, 11:34:37 AM

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Strangely I start to have my nodes duplicated in the NetXMS console...
My NetworkRunDiscovery parameter is set to "1".

Anything special I should do?
Strangely not all nodes are duplicated...


More over, I seem to be unable to delete any of those nodes... My console gets stuck and have to restart it.
When I restart my server with DB check requested here is what I get...

NetXMS Database Manager Version 0.2.26

Configuration file OK
Checking database:
Unlinked node object 603 (""). Delete? (Y/N) Y
Unlinked node object 604 (""). Delete? (Y/N) Y
Unlinked node object 605 (""). Delete? (Y/N) Y
Unlinked node object 606 (""). Delete? (Y/N) Y
Unlinked node object 607 (""). Delete? (Y/N) Y
Unlinked node object 608 (""). Delete? (Y/N) Y
Unlinked node object 609 (""). Delete? (Y/N) Y
Unlinked node object 610 (""). Delete? (Y/N) Y
Unlinked node object 611 (""). Delete? (Y/N) Y
* Checking node objects...                                              [FIXED ]
Unlinked interface object 531 ("hme0"). Delete? (Y/N) Y
Unlinked interface object 532 ("hme0:1"). Delete? (Y/N) Y
Unlinked interface object 533 ("hme2"). Delete? (Y/N) Y
Unlinked interface object 534 ("hme1"). Delete? (Y/N) Y
Unlinked interface object 535 ("clprivnet0"). Delete? (Y/N) Y
* Checking interface objects...                                         [FIXED ]
* Checking network service objects...                                   [PASSED]
* Checking cluster objects...                                           [PASSED]
* Checking template to node mapping...                                  [PASSED]
* Checking object properties...                                         [PASSED]
* Checking event processing policy...                                   [PASSED]
* Checking collected data...                                            [PASSED]
14 errors was found, 14 errors was corrected
All errors in database was fixed
Commit changes (Y/N) Y
Committing changes...
Changes was successfully committed to database
Database check completed



Sad to say but for the moment the solution I decided to take was...
connect to MYSQL
REVOKE... to netxms...
And recreate from scratch the DB...

I would appreciate to get some feedback on an alternative solution 'cause you lose all your config/job there!

Damned! What did I do wrong? Happily I was only starting...
Have a nice day

Victor Kirhenshtein


Looks like server bug. What nodes as duplicated? For example, node with IP - what it is, how it's interface list looks like? (You can send this info to [email protected] if you don't wish to disclose this information on forum).

Best regards,