Changing Mangament Console port

Started by obscenum, February 28, 2014, 03:15:46 PM

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I apologize if this has been asked and answered previously (and I'm to stupid to find it  :) )

But, how do you change the port (4701) that the Management Console uses to connect to for example 12345?

To clarify: I don't want to change the server port, just on the MC-side because of port forwarding in my firewall.
This is on Windows 8/8.1.
In the Android app there is an option to change port, so that works OK.

Thank you.


Alex Kirhenshtein


Sorry, forgot to say that I've already tried that one, got an error saying "unable to connect" (or along those lines, don't remember verbatim).

So I thought that one didn't work.
But thank you for a quick reply. Something else creating trouble on my PC then.



You can check that port is open and accessible via

telnet serverIp CustomPort

it will be black terminal window for 60second - that means - port open.
If connection close less than in 5 seconds - check that server is started.

May be your firewall block

I have just made test on windows 7: console successfuly connect via ip:port defenition


Quote from: andrey--k on February 28, 2014, 04:20:24 PM
I have just made test on windows 7: console successfuly connect via ip:port defenition

Thanks for the confirmation. The server is alive and kicking, and everything works on the inside of the firewall. The Android app also works from the outside so its something on the PC, or in the network I was connected to when testing.
